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Thought on Clean Architecture

Layered architecture

  • What is Layered Architecture?
  • Advantages
    • Simple, commonly used
  • Challenges
    • Chances of becoming tangled mess
    • Not very explicit about code intention

Clean Architecture

  • What is Clean Architecture?
  • Advantages
    • More maintainable in the long run
    • Ability to switch frameworks without changing core domain
  • Challenges
    • More code to write and maintain
    • May not use frameworks features in easier way

Questions to ask ourselves

  • Is clean architecture suitable for all type of applications?
  • Is your application has heavy business logic?
  • How many types of clients your application have?
  • Do we need Framework independence?

My preferred approach (middle ground)

  • Package-by-feature instead of Package-by-layer
  • Explicit configuration or framework magic
  • Use-cases vs Services
  • Domain model vs database model
  • Domain logic vs Business rules
  • Database entities and DTOs

